Tasked with or in the process of implementing LSO APIs?
Access tools, programs, groups, and resources that help accelerate LSO API implementation.
Ready to Implement? Follow these key implementation steps:
Ready to create your unique LSO API?
LSO APIs result from blending LSO Payloads into LSO Envelopes. There are a huge number of potential combinations of LSO APIs and LSO Payloads, based on the range of LSO Business and Operational APIs in addition to the LSO Product Payloads.
Rather than pre-blend a fixed set of combinations with each LSO release, MEF has created an LSO API Blending Tool that enables anyone to choose and create exactly those combinations of LSO APIs and LSO Payloads into a single zip file for download.
Ready to test your LSO APIs for interoperability?
The MEF LSO API Onboarding & Interoperability Test Service (MEF OIT Service) offers service providers an efficient, predictable, and scalable solution to test their LSO Sonata implementation and perform interop testing with partners at any time.
The solution consists of LSO Sonata Buyer and Seller software-based emulators, hosted on a dedicated public cloud server for a subscriber.
Achieve production-ready LSO Sonata interoperability faster and more efficiently.
Learn more about the MEF LSO API Onboarding & Interoperability Test (OIT) Service on MEF.net
Find service providers ready to automate business with you using LSO APIs on the LSO Partners Directory on MEF.net.
Find assistance to accelerate your LSO API implementation through third-party LSO API Solution Providers on MEF.net.
Have implementation challenges or questions?
The MEF Community Manager:
Connect with the MEF Community Manager: community_manager@mef.net
Interested in certifying an LSO API?
The MEF 3.0 LSO Sonata Certification Program enables buyers and sellers of wholesale connectivity services to validate that their suite of APIs used for inter-provider business transactions conform to MEF standards.
Achieving MEF 3.0 LSO API certification and being listed on the registry provides the highest level of performance, assurance, and agility and helps you gain preferred status with major buyers for API implementation.
Learn more about the MEF 3.0 LSO API Certification program on MEF.net.
MEF LSO Marketplace Accelerates Service Provider Automation, Resources include LSO API catalog, new test service, and developer support to simplify evaluation and implementation, 22 February 2022
AT&T, Verizon, and Other Top Service Providers Adopting MEF LSO APIs for Business Automation, 22 September 2021
Learn how MEF membership empowers service providers to accelerate their LSO Sonata API implementations. Read More on MEF.net >
MEF Member, Network Design and Analysis Corporation (NDA), discusses how technology partners help to accelerate enterprise digital transformation through MEF LSO APIs. Read More on MEF.net >
MEF Forum
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Suite 2-167
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Phone: +1 310 642 2800