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Service Specification schema of SD-WAN UNI SdWanUni is a class that represents the boundary between the responsibility of the Subscriber and the responsibility of the Service Provider. Reference MEF 70, Section 6.4 SD-WAN UNI.
SD-WAN Virtual Connection
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Service Specification schema of SD-WAN Virtual Connection SdWanVc is a class that represents a SD-WAN Virtual Connection. Reference MEF 70 Section 6.8 SD-WAN Virtual Connection.
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Service Specification schema of L1 ENNI The L1 ENNI class controls Operator Network behaviors that enable Operator Networks to be interconnected and exchanged OTUk frames. The interconnection is achieved by the Operators agreeing on the value for each ENNI attributes. Reference MEF 64 Section 8.1 ENNI Common Attributes.
L1 Operator UNI
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Service Specification schema of L1 Operator UNI The L1 Operator UNI Service Attribute values are agreed to by the SP/SO and the Operator.
L1 Operator Virtual Connection
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Service Specification schema of L1 Operator Virtual Connection An Operator L1VC is an association of two Operator L1VC End Points. Reference MEF 63 Sec-tion 8.4 Operator L1VC Service Attributes.
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Service Specification schema of L1 SLS The Subscriber L1VC Service Level Specification (SLS) Service Attribute is the technical speci-fication of aspects of the service performance agreed to by the Service Provider and the Sub-scriber. For any given SLS, a given Performance Metric may or may not be specified.
L1 Subscriber UNI
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Service Specification schema of L1 Subscriber UNI The UNI is the physical demarcation point between the responsibility of the L1 Service Provider and the responsibility of the L1 Subscriber. Reference MEF 63 Section 8.
L1 Subscriber Virtual Connection
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Service Specification schema of L1 Subscriber Virtual Connection A subscriber L1VC represents the logical attachment of a Subscriber L1VC to two SubscriberL1VCEndPoint. Reference MEF 63 Section 8.2.
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Service Specification schema of SD-WAN UNI SdWanUni is a class that represents the boundary between the responsibility of the Subscriber and the responsibility of the Service Provider. Reference MEF 70, Section 6.4 SD-WAN UNI.
SD-WAN Virtual Connection
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Service Specification schema of SD-WAN Virtual Connection SdWanVc is a class that represents a SD-WAN Virtual Connection. Reference MEF 70 Section 6.8 SD-WAN Virtual Connection.
Carrier Ethernet ENNI
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Service Specification schema of Carrier Ethernet ENNI The ENNI is a reference point representing the boundary between two or more Operator CENs that are operated as separate administrative domains.