Access Eline OVC
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Product Specification schema of Access Eline OVC OVC Service Attributes control the behavior observable at and between External Interfaces to the Carrier Ethernet Network (CEN). The behaviors are achieved by the Network Operator and the Operator's client (the Service Provider in this case) agreeing on the value for each of the Service Attributes. The Access E-Line Service is defined in MEF 51.1 [...]
Carrier Ethernet ENNI SP SO
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Product Specification schema of Carrier Ethernet ENNI SP SO This class is the composition of the ENNI Service Attributes, ENNI Common Attributes, and Operator Multilateral Attributes. The ENNI Common Attributes and Operator Multilateral Attributes are all optional since it is only required to share these if the SVLAN Control Service Attribute has the value FULL.
Carrier Ethernet Operator UNI
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Product Specification schema of Carrier Ethernet Operator UNI Operator UNI Service Attributes describe the agreement between the Service Provider and the Operator of the behavior observable at the UNI. These are distinct from the Subscriber UNI Service Attributes that describe the agreement between an Ethernet Service (EVC) Subscriber and the Ethernet Service Provider. All of these Service [...]
Carrier Ethernet Subscriber UNI
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Product Specification schema of Carrier Ethernet Subscriber UNI The Subscriber UNI Service Attributes values are agreed to by the Subscriber and the Service Provider to describe the behavior of the UNI. All of these Service Attributes can be modified after initial provisioning of the UNI except the components of the List of Physical Links and Link Aggregation-related attributes.
Carrier Ethernet Subscriber UNI
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Product Specification schema of Carrier Ethernet Subscriber UNI The Subscriber UNI Service Attributes values are agreed to by the Subscriber and the Service Provider to describe the behavior of the UNI. All of these Service Attributes can be modified after initial provisioning of the UNI except the components of the List of Physical Links and Link Aggregation-related attributes.
Ethernet Private Line EVC
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Product Specification schema of Ethernet Private Line EVC The EVC Service Attributes for Ethernet Private Line (EPL) Service as defined in MEF 6.3 based on the Service Attributes defined in MEF 10.4. The EVC Service Attributes are applicable at every UNI in the EVC.
Ethernet Private Line EVC
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Product Specification schema of Ethernet Private Line EVC The EVC Service Attributes for Ethernet Private Line (EPL) Service as defined in MEF 6.3 based on the Service Attributes defined in MEF 10.4. The EVC Service Attributes are applicable at every UNI in the EVC.
Ethernet Private LAN EVC
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Product Specification schema of Ethernet Private LAN EVC
Ethernet Private LAN EVC
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Product Specification schema of Ethernet Private LAN EVC
Ethernet Private Tree EVC
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Product Specification schema of Ethernet Private Tree EVC
Ethernet Private Tree EVC
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Product Specification schema of Ethernet Private Tree EVC